Margery Runyan, PhD

Margery Runyan, PhD

  • The 2010 Twinless Twin (TTSGI) conference is being held this weekend in Ypsilanti, Michigan, the headquarters of the organization. The keynote interview with Joan Woodward, author of “The Lone Twin” from London, England, will take place on Friday July 16, followed by Twinless Twin Testimonials and breakout groups: early loss, adult loss, teens, families and significant others of twinless twins. Individual twins attending the TTSGI conference will speak to Dr. Mercy about their experiences at the conference and its importance in their recovery. Testimonials from previous conferences: ‘It is a true miracle of transformation...from all alone in a darkness that only a twinless twin could know, to a family and network of Twinless Twins to start a new, healing journey. Nobody understood when I said how "alone" I felt or expressed that I didn't know how to be one.  No one has a clue what it's like to have half your soul ripped out. After half a century together as one, now I must be merely a half.’
  • Dr. Mercy interviews Joan Angelis, a Regional Representative for Twinless Twins Support Group International. Joan talks about her twin sister...


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