Margery Runyan, PhD

Margery Runyan, PhD

  • Dr. Mercy calls upon her studies of numerology to cover the basics that you need to know to live your life.
  • If you are a twin, a parent of twins, or close to a twin, you will enjoy the interview with Dr. Barbara Klein, a twin herself and expert in childhood development. Dr. Klein will discuss the strong influences of parenting styles and early childhood experiences on the way in which co-twins relate to each other. These methods of twinning are covered in her book ‘Not All Twins Are Alike.’  She will also answer questions such as; ‘What is it like growing up as a twin? Do twins have difficulty in non-twin relationships? Why do twins fight? Why is twin loss so profoundly difficult for the surviving twin? Why should parents stress the individual differences between their twin children? How can we help gifted and challenged twins?  What are the advantages of co-twins being different?’  Dr. Klein’s twin Marjorie teaches rhetorical writing at Stanford University and Dr. Klein will surely comment on their relationship throughout the life stages of childhood and adulthood.
  • If you are a twin, a parent of twins, or close to a twin, you will enjoy the interview with Dr. Barbara Klein, a twin herself and expert in childhood development. Dr. Klein will discuss the strong influences of parenting styles and early childhood experiences on the way in which co-twins relate to each other. These methods of twinning are covered in her book ‘Not All Twins Are Alike.’  She will also answer questions such as; ‘What is it like growing up as a twin? Do twins have difficulty in non-twin relationships? Why do twins fight? Why is twin loss so profoundly difficult for the surviving twin? Why should parents stress the individual differences between their twin children? How can we help gifted and challenged twins?  What are the advantages of co-twins being different?’  Dr. Klein’s twin Marjorie teaches rhetorical writing at Stanford University and Dr. Klein will surely comment on their relationship throughout the life stages of childhood and adulthood.  
  • The Navajo have occupied their sacred lands in the Four Corners for centuries. The Hero Twins tells the story of two brothers born to Changing Woman and trained by the Holy People to save their people from the naayéé', a race of monsters. Kit Carson joins the story as naayéé'. Kit Carson was ordered to subdue the Navajo in New Mexico through destroying crops and starvation, forcing them to move from their ancestral lands to a distant, inhospitable reservation on the Pecos River.
  • NOMOTC, founded in 1960, is currently a network of over 450 local clubs and 25000 individual parents of multiples. This non-profit organization funded by grants, donations and dues is dedicated to supporting families through education, research and networking. The organization partners with local support groups, health care providers, researchers and educators to raise public awareness about the unique qualities of multiples. NOMOTC publishes current research, expert columns, book reviews, club news, and multiple birth related articles and participates in medical and psychological research projects that involve multiples and/or their families. It is a national charter member of the International Society of Twin Studies and the COMBO. They operate a Support Service Program to assist individuals in special cases including Pen Pals for parents of disabled multiples, support for Higher Order Multiples and Bereavement Support for those who have lost a child or spouse.
  • In this episode, Dr. Mercy will present various twin myths and symbols as they appear in dreams and cultures...
  • Dr. Mercy recorded this program as a tribute to her mother Margery Wing Sisson Runyan who died on April 2, 2011 in Dayton, Ohio surrounded by her family at the age of 91.  Mother Margery and another daughter Anne were guests on an earlier Twin Talk program entitled Family Secrets available in the archives. Dr. Mercy speaks about her mother’s life and then diverges into a discussion of ‘attachment’ in primary relationships. Twins are believed to bond more closely with each other than the mother. Dr. Mercy reviews the attachment theory of John Bowlby, including the types of attachment (secure, ambivalent, avoidant), the problems related to insecure attachment, and methods to ameliorate related issues in psychotherapy.
  • Dr. Margery Runyan, psychotherapist, discusses the practices of Dr. Carl Jung, a disciple of Sigmund Freud until they separated over theoretical differences. Dr. Jung believed that the unconscious had a collective component composed of symbolic energy nodes known as archetypes. Freud believed that the unconscious was filled solely with repressed personal material. Dr. Mercy contrasts ‘symbols’ and ‘signs.’  A symbol belongs to the dream world and intuition; it resonates with deeper levels of meaning as it unfolds within the unconscious and bridges the gap to the consciousness. Signs are equations that have known meanings within the cultural consciousness.
  • Kari Nadeau, MD, PhD, FAAAAI, is a member of the academic faculty at Stanford Medical School and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital and Director of Allergy Clinics at Stanford Medical Center within the Division of Immunology and Allergy. She is a practicing clinician and a prominent researcher in the field of allergies Dr. Nadeau oversees: Translational Basic Science Research in the laboratory based on tolerance mechanisms of immune cells and Clinical Research on immunotherapy and induction of desensitization vs. tolerance. The Nadeau laboratory focuses on the role of human T cells in allergic diseases. Dr. Nadeau has been working in the field of T cell tolerance for more than 22 years and hypothesizes that disruptions in the normal maintenance of tolerance by T cells lead to some human immune-mediated diseases, like food allergies and asthma. She is currently studying twins for allergy and asthma diseases and has preliminary results that she will share on the program. She is also the mother of two sets of twins.
  • In this lecture format, Dr. Mercy reports on Chinese fraternal twins adopted from the same orphanage and then reunited.
  • Diane is the grandmother of fraternal girl twins who are barely two months old.  This miracle pregnancy of her 24-year old daughter came as a marvelous surprise.  The twins were born healthy and named Lila and Nikita.  Diane has been instrumental in their care since the beginning; she has put her heart and soul into the health and well-being of the twins and their parents.  The father is a Navy Seal and expert sniper who spent several tours in Iraq.   This young family is struggling to care for the infants and make financial ends meet.  The grandmother has provided respite care for the beautiful twins whenever the mom and dad needed some time to relax.  She will discuss her role in this evolving situation and some of her feelings.  Dr. Mercy has done natal charts for the two twins and will discuss her findings with the grandmother during the show.  The natal chart according to Dr. Carl Jung reflects the soul's intention for this lifetime and may provide some insight into the destiny of these two tiny girls. Biography:  Diane is descended from Hungarian royalty and danced with several ballet companies when younger.  Her outer beauty reflects a powerful inner spirit and determination to live an extraordinary life.  Diane has raised four children from two marriages, one boy and three girls.  Two of her daughters have lost their lives: one to a drug overdose and the other to a rare disease.  These two daughters are still very deeply missed.  She is now married to a third husband who adores her and has helped her family in every way possible during the year since their marriage.  She is thrilled with the newly born twin granddaughters and has expressed that there may be a synchronicity between two grandgirls born and two daughters deceased.
  • Dr. Mercy has heard from many twins that she would love the novel I Know This Much is True by Wally Lamb, whose books have been popularized by the Oprah Book Club and the merits of his fictional style. The 40-year-old ‘hero’ is an identical twin whose brother has paranoid schizophrenia. The novel covers their childhood, family history (which includes twins), and his psychotherapy with a psychologist who helps him integrate these pieces of his psyche.  Dr. Mercy will be discussing the patterns of twinship attributed to the characters in the novel and their importance in the structure of the novel. Tune in and hear how Wally Lamb, a celebrated fiction writer and teacher, handles the twin theme. #1 New York Times Bestseller and Oprah Book Club selection: "Thoughtful . . . heart-wrenching . . . . An exercise in soul-baring storytelling—with the soul belonging to 20th-century America itself. It's hard to read and to stop reading, and impossible to forget."  — USA Today Dominick Birdsey, a forty-year-old housepainter living in Three Rivers, Connecticut, finds his subdued life greatly disturbed when his identical twin brother Thomas, a paranoid schizophrenic, commits a shocking act of self-mutilation. Dominick is forced to care for his brother as well as confront dark secrets and pain he has buried deep within himself—a journey of the soul that takes him beyond his blue-collar New England town to Sicily’s Mount Etna, the birthplace of his grandfather and namesake. Coming to terms with his life and lineage, Dominick struggles to find forgiveness and finally rebuild himself beyond the haunted shadow of his troubled twin. I Know This Much Is True is a masterfully told story of alienation and connection, power and abuse, devastation and renewal—an unforgettable masterpiece.   I Know this Much is True - Amazon


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