Pt 2: Ana and Isa 39-year-old identical twins have graciously agreed to guest on another program to spotlight their book and movie…
Pt 1: Anabelle and Isabelle are 39-year-old female identical twins born with the chronic lung condition known as cystic fibrosis. The twins will tell the story of their lives as they grew from very tiny infants to the surviving and thriving women that they are today. Their story includes their treatments, twin relationship, love for each other, dedication to wellness, and assistance to others with cystic fibrosis. Their journeys have been long and sometimes hard; they have undertaken each step of the way with hope and faith that they would not only live but make a difference in the world. Guess what? Their dreams have come true and their impact has been world-wide. Listen to their musical voices tell the truth of twinship. And next week listen to the program The Power of Two to learn about cystic fibrosis, their book and their movie about organ donation.