Dr. Bob Van de Castle, the King of Dreams, has agreed to discuss the methods and results of the dissertation ‘Do Twins Dreams Twin Dreams?: A Quantitative Comparison with Single’s Dreams’ which Dr. Mercy wrote for her PhD at Capella University. The research compared 164 dreams of female identical twins with the dreams of female norms developed by Hall and Van de Castle to support the content analysis of dreams. Hundreds of researchers have used these scales and norms, making them the most widely used quantitative tools in dream study. Dr. Mercy will present the methods and significant results with commentary by Dr. Van de Castle.
Dr. Van de Castle participated in many laboratory studies of dream telepathy and was considered one of the best telepathic senders. He will reminisce about his experiences as lab subject with the greatest dream researchers of our era. He will also present his ideas for future twin research and his own plans as scientist and author.