Margery Runyan, PhD

Margery Runyan, PhD

  • In this powerful memoir, an identical twin embarks on a heroine's journey to find her lost twin. Along the way, she provides a rare glimpse into the Twin World to all who honor twinship. How does our heroine survive twin loss? The Tao shows her the way. She learns that the dark is the source of the light. The still is the source of all motion. The wise one trusts her Heart above the World. Now a Jungian analyst, the lone twin shares her hope for spiritual ascent and reunion.
    Open Tao of Twins
  • This show will explore the actual experiences of two female identical twins during childhood, adolescence and adulthood.  Lee and Jesse will relate stories from their early lives illustrating their alikeness and differences, their comfort with other children, their position in the family, and the advantages and disadvantages of twinship.  They will also answer the questions: 1. How is it different to be the first born or the second born? 2. How do you see yourselves as different from each other? 3. How do your parents see you as different from each other? 4. How did you relate to each other in School? 5. What did you share?  Friends?  Belongings? 6. Did you have some secrets from each other and from the world? 7. How did your sister influence your career? 8. How did your twinship affect your view of health and wellness?
  • Dolores Nick (74), grandmother of three sets of twins, will describe her experiences. In her words, ‘the identical boy twins Skyler and Spender (18) dress the same everyday. The boys elected to share a college dorm room and want to marry twins. The identical girl twins prefer to dress differently. Sierra and Savana (12), best friends, have been through a lot of medical problems. Sierra is a three time cancer survivor, first diagnosed at three and again at five and six, now cancer free. For both sets of twins, it's never "I" it's always "We;" there is sharing, no personal space, and always someone to play with and talk to. Shane and Shyanne, 10-month fraternal twins, are different as night and day.  They were "womb mates" and little else is the same. They don't interact much with each other, as of yet, but seem to look for each other if one is sleeping and the other is awake.  Shane was supposed to be the "vanishing twin"......but never vanished.  It's truly a remarkable miracle that he is here.’
  • Dr. Jane Greer has lectured across the country on marital/family problems, women’s issues, and sibling (twin) issues.  She is frequently contacted by the national news media to speak as an authority on these topics. In her book, The Afterlife Connection, Dr. Greer began with the belief that the bond that exists between the living and the dead including co-twins is not purely a psychological one, but is in fact much more dynamic and empowering. Dr. Greer guides us to learn that transcommunication is not simply a "hello from heaven" but a powerful therapeutic tool that is available to any of us. Through transcommunication, the pain of grieving can be made more bearable, ambivalent relationships can be healed, and a loved one's messages can bring relief and joy. Drawing on her new book, What About Me? Dr. Jane will help us understand the sharing, connection and selfishness that can lead to Twin Rivalry.
  • Dr. Nancy Segal, Professor of Psychology and Director of Twin Studies at the California State University, Fullerton, will be discussing her life time of research on twins. As a fraternal twin, psychologist and researcher, Dr. Segal has been uniquely positioned to perform ground-breaking studies on twins including her work at the University of Minnesota with twins separated at birth and reunited in adulthood and her most recent study on the development of Chinese twins adopted internationally both apart and together. Her other research has included the behavioral similarities of virtual twins (same age unrelated children raised together) and the behavioral consequences of twin loss. Dr. Segal is considered one of the foremost experts on the nature versus nurture controversy based on her quantitative studies of twins’ behaviors. Dr. Segal will be prepared to discuss the nature of twin relationships, twin development, twins accused of cheating at school, and twin relationships within the family. Dr. Nancy Segal has written seven books about twins.  Dr. Segal has authored approximately 250 scientific articles and book chapters in addition to her many books. A recent paper won a 2007 Award for Excellence in Research from the Mensa Foundation. She is also an Associate Editor of Twin Research and Human Genetics, the official journal of the International Society for Twin Studies. She serves on the editorial boards of a number of journals, including Twin Research and Human Genetics, Evolution and Human Behavior and Human Ethology.
  • Twin loss triggers the most devastating grief ever studied per Segal (4.9.10 episode). In the first show, two identical female twins still recovering from their co-twins’ deaths tell their stories of descent into hell and the quest for acceptance and wholeness as a single twin. The experiences of sudden death by suicide and wasting, lengthy illness will provide a stark contrast in the grief process. They will discuss their twinship bond and how that bond continues to manifest after death. Both women came out as lesbians during their lifetimes while the co-twins remained heterosexual. In the second episode, they will discuss the process of sexual revelation that occurred and their manner of coping with this profound difference in life style from the beloved identical twin. Science has not yet found some of the questions but these women have found their own answers.  They will interweave their stories, finding the similarities and differences in their twin journeys.
  • Twin loss triggers the most devastating grief ever studied per Segal (4.9.10 episode). In the first show, two - Twin loss triggers the most devastating grief ever studied per Segal (4.9.10 episode). In the first show, two identical female twins still recovering from their co-twins’ deaths tell their stories of descent into hell and the quest for acceptance and wholeness as a single twin. The experiences of sudden death by suicide and wasting, lengthy illness will provide a stark contrast in the grief process. They will discuss their twinship bond and how that bond continues to manifest after death. Both women came out as lesbians during their lifetimes while the co-twins remained heterosexual. In the second episode, they will discuss the process of sexual revelation that occurred and their manner of coping with this profound difference in life style from the beloved identical twin. Science has not yet found some of the questions but these women have found their own answers.  They will interweave their stories, finding the similarities and differences in their twin journeys.
  • Sheldon Chrysler, identical twin and aviation expert, will discuss his new book Life after Death of My Twin: The Surviving Twin Story. He will describe his life as an identical twin while growing up as a child in Denver, Colorado. He will also talk about his successes and failures as an adult running an aviation business with his twin and later teaching aviation. He will also discuss his various certifications and licenses within the aviation field. Sheldon plans to share the process of writing the book about himself and Barry and what his life is like now without Barry. Given all the trials in his life, Sheldon will explain his secrets for maintaining a positive attitude about his life and continuing to honor his twin Barry. Dr. Mercy will ask him to identify his heroes and his deepest wishes for his own future. She will also ask Sheldon what he foresees for the future of twins and twinless twins within society and what we have to offer to our fellow human beings.
  • Paula Abdullah is the mother of five teenage children living in Deatur, Illinois. Four of the teens are two sets...
  • Dr. Bob Van de Castle, the King of Dreams, has agreed to discuss the methods and results of the dissertation ‘Do Twins Dreams Twin Dreams?: A Quantitative Comparison with Single’s Dreams’ which Dr. Mercy wrote for her PhD at Capella University. The research compared 164 dreams of female identical twins with the dreams of female norms developed by Hall and Van de Castle to support the content analysis of dreams. Hundreds of researchers have used these scales and norms, making them the most widely used quantitative tools in dream study.  Dr. Mercy will present the methods and significant results with commentary by Dr. Van de Castle. Dr. Van de Castle participated in many laboratory studies of dream telepathy and was considered one of the best telepathic senders. He will reminisce about his experiences as lab subject with the greatest dream researchers of our era. He will also present his ideas for future twin research and his own plans as scientist and author.  
  • Dr. Bob Van de Castle, the King of Dreams, has agreed to discuss the methods and results of the dissertation ‘Do Twins Dreams Twin Dreams?: A Quantitative Comparison with Single’s Dreams’ which Dr. Mercy wrote for her PhD at Capella University. The research compared 164 dreams of female identical twins with the dreams of female norms developed by Hall and Van de Castle to support the content analysis of dreams. Hundreds of researchers have used these scales and norms, making them the most widely used quantitative tools in dream study.  Dr. Mercy will present the methods and significant results with commentary by Dr. Van de Castle. Dr. Van de Castle participated in many laboratory studies of dream telepathy and was considered one of the best telepathic senders. He will reminisce about his experiences as lab subject with the greatest dream researchers of our era. He will also present his ideas for future twin research and his own plans as scientist and author.  
  • YOU CAN ONLY MAKE A FIRST IMPRESSION ONCE; THE GANZ TWINS MAKE IT TWICE. Lisa and Debbie Ganz are extremely passionate about twins and multiples and on Twin Talk they expect to EDUCATE, INSPIRE and also ENTERTAIN the Twins/Multiple listeners with Twinergy, the energy created by twins. These twins are TWINS FOR A LIVING or TWINPRENEURS who have dedicated their lives to helping twins. Over the last 15 years they have met over 100,000 sets of twins/multiples worldwide and continue to meet more daily. With their many businesses, crazy fun personalities, and stories about the people they recruit for reality TV...there is never a dull moment.  If Dr. Mercy can get a question in the mix, she will ask them about their lives growing up, their introduction into show business and the crazy world of NYC, their personal lives, their frequent travels to twin events such as Twinsburg, and their future plans.
  • Guy Playfair is a world-renowned expert in psychic phenomena and has spent years researching case examples of twin telepathy for his seminal book Twin Telepathy (2002, 2008). In this program, Playfair will discuss his firm belief in the reality of twin psychic abilities including mental and dream telepathy.  He will report the circumstances under which twin telepathy works best and provide powerful examples of this frequently reported and well documented experience. The scientific establishment has been reluctant to embrace the evidence for such telepathy and Playfair will discuss the continuing breach between rigorous scientific methods and paranormal documentation. He will also elaborate on the Big Five of psychic abilities: telepathy, precognition, remote viewing, telekinesis and spiritual healing in relation to twins. He will give examples of the utility of twin telepathy to families, communities, and society.
  • NOMOTC, founded in 1960, is currently a network of over 450 local clubs and 25000 individual parents of multiples. This non-profit organization funded by grants, donations and dues is dedicated to supporting families through education, research and networking. The organization partners with local support groups, health care providers, researchers and educators to raise public awareness about the unique qualities of multiples. NOMOTC publishes current research, expert columns, book reviews, club news, and multiple birth related articles and participates in medical and psychological research projects that involve multiples and/or their families. It is a national charter member of the International Society of Twin Studies and the COMBO. They operate a Support Service Program to assist individuals in special cases including Pen Pals for parents of disabled multiples, support for Higher Order Multiples and Bereavement Support for those who have lost a child or spouse.
  • Tina Jenicek is a perfect example of a busy single mom with twins.  Her twins are fraternal, a boy and girl 10 years old, attending day camp and learning everything they can at this marvelous age of industry and growth.  We are all wondering if their genetic material and life experiences favor similarities or differences in personality, intelligence, and aptitude. Tina will describe her experiences with the twins from conception through elementary school.  Our conversation will feature questions about the relationship between the twins, her closeness with each, the dominance and birth order myths, school placement, managing competition, ’best friends’, balancing work and home as a single mom, and all the questions that you have always wanted to ask about raising boy/girl twins.  Tina also chairs the Florida Organization of Mothers of Twins in her spare time!  She will discuss their services and supports for moms and dads of multiples.  Call in with your questions to 1-866-613-1612.
  • Do twins have unique powers that connect them?  How is our soul journey different from singles?  The process of Energy Healing requires that the master direct her psychic powers to the unfolding of wholeness and truth within the patient. These powers are both learned and innate. Sheilana will discuss the psychic abilities that she has discovered and practiced during her many years of energy healing. She will describe how she developed them and how others can cultivate such powers. The relationship of energetic healing to twins will be covered, and how Sheilana has experienced twinship in her practice.  How can we maintain a heightened awareness of our energies as twins?  What good can we do in the world?
  • The 2010 Twinless Twin (TTSGI) conference is being held this weekend in Ypsilanti, Michigan, the headquarters of the organization. The keynote interview with Joan Woodward, author of “The Lone Twin” from London, England, will take place on Friday July 16, followed by Twinless Twin Testimonials and breakout groups: early loss, adult loss, teens, families and significant others of twinless twins. Individual twins attending the TTSGI conference will speak to Dr. Mercy about their experiences at the conference and its importance in their recovery. Testimonials from previous conferences: ‘It is a true miracle of transformation...from all alone in a darkness that only a twinless twin could know, to a family and network of Twinless Twins to start a new, healing journey. Nobody understood when I said how "alone" I felt or expressed that I didn't know how to be one.  No one has a clue what it's like to have half your soul ripped out. After half a century together as one, now I must be merely a half.’
  • In this episode, Dr. Mercy will present various twin myths and symbols as they appear in dreams and cultures...
  • This program will fascinate the parents of twins particularly because Mike Poff and his wife Pam are raising quads plus three more children.  If we ever thought our hands were full, we must wonder how Mike and Pam balance farming, jobs, and children.  Mike is going to provide an inside view of his wonderful life in the Blue Ridge Mountains.  How do the children manage?  What roles do they play?  What do the quads think about their special status?  How do the quads interrelate?  Does every child have a horse and a dog or does everyone share?  How do the mom and dad coordinate their activities?  Who makes what decisions?  How do they handle conflict and discipline?  How wild and crazy can life be?  What keeps them strong?  Tune in and find out how the Poff family works!  Mike is our special guest, father, and author.  Follow him on his blogs!  He is a member of the Linked In Twins group along with Dr. Mercy. Bio: Mike Poff is a Virginia at-home-father of quadruplets plus three and gentleman farmer. He and his wife Pam, seven children, eight horses, six cats, nine dogs and a smattering of cattle live an interesting, full and blessed life near the Crest of the Blue Ridge. Mike is a freelance writer ever spreading the rants, raves and insights of an at home dad of quads. Mike has a Bachelors Degree in Theology and Associates in Radio & TV Production. He worked for several years in the Roanoke VA media market for WVFT TV27, WBRA Public TV and WFIR/WPVR Radio. Mike has recently written for several magazines and newspapers all in his quest to encourage others in their faith, family and relational lives in general. Twins, Most, The Father Life and Prodigal Magazines have all carried Mike’s work.  
  • Dr. Mercy has reached out to organizers and potential participants in the Twins Day Festival happening this weekend in Twinsburg, Ohio.  She is hoping to connect with people attending the festival during Twin Talk show time to discover what brings them to the festival, what do they love about it, and what experiences do they carry home into their lives.  The festival begins officially Friday, August 6 with a day of activities devoted to twins and their families.  The following two days are open to the public.  Anyone in the neighborhood of Cleveland may want to attend the weekend festivities including a parade Saturday morning, twin contests, and twin talent shows.  The festival is an ideal place for researchers to connect with twin subjects for cross-sectional and longitudinal studies, and booths at the festival are purchased by agencies for their research.  Dr. Mercy will discuss some of the studies during the show or later in the Twin Talk series.
  • Dr. Susan Mehrtens, President of the Jungian Center for the Spiritual Sciences in Waterbury, Vermont, has been reading astrological charts and teaching the art and science of astrology to learners such as Dr. Mercy for many years.  She uses the Jungian approach to astrology in which the soul chooses its journey in the moment and place of birth.  Dr. Carl Jung studied and revitalized the ancient sciences of astrology and alchemy, and Dr. Mehrtens has also returned to the original sources in Medieval History.  She will discuss the astrological methods that she has adopted and apply them to the study of the astrological charts of twins.  These charts may reveal a deeper meaning of the decisions of twins to make a life journey together and become ‘separated at earth.’  Dr. Mehrtens will describe the similarities and differences in the charts, touching on the significance of the readings for twins in general.
  • Dr. Barbara Klein was the very first guest on Twin Talk and has agreed to return for an open discussion on early childhood and twin development based on questions from our audience. A twin herself and expert in childhood development, Dr. Klein also has extensive clinical experience with twins in psychotherapy and would love to take questions from psychotherapists treating twins or twins ourselves on twin transference in psychotherapy, difficulties in adult twin relationships, the cognitive schema of twins, and the unconscious world of twins as expressed in dreams and associations. She and Dr. Mercy will both dialogue with callers on some of the more complex and challenging issues faced by twins, our spouses, and parents. Dr. Klein is an excellent key note speaker and willingly accepts those invitations from universities and other organizations. Her web site is easy to remember  
  • In this program, Dr. Mercy will discuss studies performed with identical and fraternal twins as participants. If you have been a participant in a twin study perhaps through one of the large registries that exist through the United States and the world, we would love to hear your experiences. Twin studies can be cross-sectional or longitudinal; they often focus on the interrelationship among genetics, shared environment, and non-shared environment in order to determine the relative effects on personality, aptitudes, life experiences, and health. Some studies have been done with MRI technology to measure the size of fetal brains. Dr. Mercy will cover these resources and will also discuss the recent findings that identical twin DNA is not necessarily identical; she welcomes callers to discuss the implications of such results for society and the twins themselves. She will also report on various twin registries across the world, their purposes, and some results of the longitudinal studies that these registries are used to conduct.
  • Dr. Mercy will discuss ‘the twin in the transference’ and share some of her own case experiences. Is there any reason to believe that twins can perform psychotherapy with twins better than singles?  Twins may present with separation, loss of the twin, too much closeness, and difficulty resolving parental issues. What does it take to be a great psychotherapist?  What theories of human behavior define the therapeutic experience?  Does one theory work better than the others?  How do we know what works?  What is evidence-based psychotherapy?  What characteristics of the psychotherapist give the client the experience of getting better?  Several psychotherapists will join the program to discuss what works.  They will continue the discussion from last week with Dr. Barbara Klein about treating twins and share their experiences with twins.  What was the presenting problem and how did the psychotherapy proceed?
  • BIO: Anne Sisson Runyan is a Professor in the Department of Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies at the University of Cincinnati (UC) with a Ph.D. in International Relations from The American University. She additionally holds an appointment in Political Science at UC and a visiting appointment at the Centre for Feminist Research at York University, Toronto. She previously founded and directed women’s studies programs at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Potsdam and Wright State University (WSU).  A pioneer of feminist international relations and a recipient of  an Eminent Scholar Award from the International Studies Association, she is the co-author of Global Gender Issues and the co-editor of Gender and Global Restructuring. She has headed five academic departments and has directed international exchange projects. Dr. Runyan has taught graduate and undergraduate courses, including Transnational Feminist Theory, Feminist Political Theory, Feminist Research, Women and Politics, Gender and International Relations, and Gender and Globalization. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION:  Dr. Mercy has been privileged to have exceptional sisters and parents.  Her mother Margery and younger sister Anne will guest on the program to share their experiences with the twins Malinda and Margery (Dr. Mercy) throughout their shared lives.  Dr. Mercy’s mother raised four girls in Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband Richard who was a graduate of Cornell Law and brilliant labor lawyer. Mother Margery, herself raised in Cincinnati, is a graduate of Smith College and holds a master’s degree in library science.  She worked as librarian for the City of Dayton for many years and now at 90 she is happily supported by her friends at Bethany Village in Centerville.  Mother Margery is proud of her heritage and leadership within the Daughters of the American Revolution and the Magna Charta.  Her third daughter Anne is a professor at the University of Cincinnati and her fourth daughter Catherine is raising her two daughters and step sons in Columbus.  This is an Ohio family died in the wool.  How did Dr. Mercy end up outside Ohio?  Tune in to hear Dr. Mercy’s childhood story.
  • Denise and Deanne live on opposite coasts, Denise in New York and Deanne in California. Has this geographic separation taken a toll on their twinship?  One twin was extroverted and sought the companionship of her peers; the other was closer to the family and sought approval there.  They were close in their younger years and supported each other in hard times.  How did they find themselves so far apart in adulthood?  What forces and factors shaped each twin?  How are they alike and different?  How do they communicate now in maturity?  Do they still think of each other as identical twins and how do they express this bond?  This twinship is a fascinating story of twins with primarily non-shared experiences. Their genes, aptitudes, intelligence, and interests are very similar, yet they have lived in two very different worlds both familiar to them from childhood.  Hear them discuss the choices they have made as women and identical twins.
  • Sally has been there and done that!  She was married with identical twin boys, divorced with the same twins as teens, and now living alone with her pets while the twins as young adults attend college together.  Sally will tell us how she fared within her various life styles and stages, how she mothered the twins during the phases of their development, how the twins helped her during the divorce, and how she is adjusting to life without them.  She will discuss how she has grown and matured as a mother of twins, as a woman, and as an individual.  If you are parenting twins, you will want to hear about Sally’s highs and lows, her successes and defeats, and her ways of coping during the stages of her full and fulfilling life.
  • Keith and Kevin Goodwin have shared their lives in every way.  They have both raised children, lived together and lived apart.  Kevin has older children and Keith has younger children.  How have their paths as husbands and fathers converged?  What differences have they experienced as husbands and fathers?  What aptitudes and interests do they share and how do they differ?  With luck, Tracy will call during the school day and perhaps the girls will call from their cell phones.  What is it like to be married to twins and have twins as fathers?  The girls are very gorgeous at the ages of 9, 7, and 6.  Tracy is an exceptional wife and mother.  Keith will talk about the experience of being married to an achievement-oriented woman who is working two jobs, raising three children, and completed her doctorate in her spare time.  Oh my goodness.  Life as a twin is wonderful.
  • Bio: Don and his identical twin brother Ronnie were born in Charleston, South Carolina, the youngest two sons of four brothers.  Their mother was raised in poverty and worked in the textile mills.  Later during World War II she worked in a munitions factory. Their father was a fighter pilot in the 8th Army during the war and flew numerous missions in Europe before being shot down over Italy near the end of the hostilities.  He was a prisoner of war until the Allies liberated Italy.  Don and Ronnie played in the cotton fields while their mother worked and later themselves worked in the fields of the southern farms.  They stayed with their father until his death from congestive hearth failure several years ago and then Ronnie died at 55 three years ago.  Don is finding his way back to life after a near death experience himself.  He has reunited with his brother’s ex-wife Theresa who is helping him regain his will to live. Program description:  Don has been resurrected from despair and near death.  He and Dr. Mercy met each other at Twinless Twins Support Group International during the 2009 annual conference in Denver.  They have since realized that they were destined to meet and create a deeply meaningful relationship as twins are here on this planet to do.  His love for his twin brother Ronnie ran wide and deep and he almost followed him into death and the afterlife.  Theresa’s loving care for both twins since the age of 15 brought him back to life on earth.  She found him near death in a hospital where his older brothers had abandoned him to die.  If Theresa can get away from her job responsibilities as an engineer, she will join us briefly on the show to discuss her experiences with these extraordinary twins.  Sometimes love IS enough.
  • Dr. Mercy and her guests will explore the topic of life stages and discuss whether twins have rites of passage that differ from singles.  The road of life is littered with surprising events when we know that nothing about us will ever be the same and seminal moments when we know that we must go forward because there is no turning back.  These benchmarks on the journey can be marked by rituals, holidays, chance meetings, life-long friendships, marriages, divorces, hospitalizations, incarcerations, spiritual awakenings, growth spurts, rituals, graduations, certificates, and deaths.  Are these states of transformation and maturation experienced in the same way by singles as by twins?  Do the same types of events precipitate change?  Is there an added complexity in the life stages of twins?  Tune in to hear the discussion. Biographies: Don is still visiting Dr. Mercy in Bokeelia, Florida, and he will return to the show for this episode.  He lost his twin Ronnie three years ago and then came very near death himself.  He believes that he has been given another chance at life.
  • Lee and Dr. Mercy will discuss the alternative healing methods that they use in their practices and whether the ‘twin’ inside influences the choice of methods.  Are twins more intuitive or courageous in their careers?  Are their choices related to the co-twin’s influence?  Does the second born twin exercise his/her magical powers in the healing process?  How do these healing practices work?  Why are we drawn to them and what do they signify for us in our own healing journey?
  • Dr. Mercy is going to talk about her life as a twin and share her experiences with her twin  sister Malinda.   We have no special guests except those twins out in the universe who want to participate.  We may discuss spiritual awakenings, depths of despair, and ordinary memories of twinship.
  • Special guest Pamela Prindle Fierro is an author and mother of identical twins, Pamela sought to connect with fellow parents of twins for advice and companionship. She now writes and supports other families with multiples, to encourage them in their parenting journey. She's written and produced numerous Web features on parenting and home management. Pamela is the author of three books:
    • Everything Twins, Triplets and More (2012)
    • Your Pregnancy Devotional (2006)
    • Mommy Rescue Guide Twins, Triplets, and More: Lifesaving Techniques and Advice for Surviving Life with Multiples (2008)
  • Dr. Nancy Segal, Professor of Psychology and Director of Twin Studies at the California State University, Fullerton, will be discussing How Identical are Identical Twins. Dr. Segal has written seven books about twins. Dr. Segal has authored approximately 250 scientific articles and book chapters in addition to her many books. A recent paper won a 2007 Award for Excellence in Research from the Mensa Foundation. She is also an Associate Editor of Twin Research and Human Genetics, the official journal of the International Society for Twin Studies. She serves on the editorial boards of a number of journals, including Twin Research and Human Genetics, Evolution and Human Behavior and Human Ethology.
  • These sets of twins from Texas fell in love, went on a double date to Las Vegas, and won thousands...
  • Pamela Daniel and Dr. Mercy met several years ago at a Twinless Twins conference in Denver, Colorado and became fast friends.


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